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As school closures increase nationwide due to the spread of coronavirus, affecting millions of students with the numbers growing by the day, there is an unprecedented need for supporting our teachers, children, and families in learning. The Smart Coos team has launched an ongoing collection of kid-friendly resources for online learning


  1. Fun Brain (PK-8)
  2. Prodigy (1-8)
  3. Math Playground  (1-6)
  4. Splash Learn  (K-5)
  5. Math Game Time (PK-7)
  6. Khan Academy (K -12)
  7. Smart Coos (PK -12)

Social Studies

  1. Nat Geo Kids (K-6)
  2. Time for Kids (K-6)
  3. Smithsonian for Kids (PK-12)
  4. Crash Course Kids (3-12)
  5. Who was? app/site (3-5)


  1. Smart Coos (PK-12)
  2. Duolingo (4-12)


  1. NASA Kids’ Club (K-4)
  2. Amazing Space (3-12)
  3. How Stuff Works (4-12)


  1. Hello Kids (PK-4)
  2. Arts for Kids Hub (PK-12)

Mixed Bag

  1. Smart Coos (PK-12)
  2. Brain Pop (K-12)
  3. TED Talks (4-12)
  4. PBS Kids (PK-3)
  5. Code Academy (4-12)
  6. Scholastic (PK-5)

Additional Language Resources

  1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear (Spanish, Colors in Sign Language)
  2. How to Teach Your Child Spanish with Baby Sign Language (English, Spanish)
  3. How to Teach Your Child Spanish with Baby Sign Language (English, Mandarin)
  4. How to Teach Your Child Spanish with Baby Sign Language (English, French)
  5. Smart Coos Sign Language Chart 2 (English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese)
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