Grow n' Sign
Before your tot can actually tell you what he wants or needs, communicating can be tricky. (Is he hungry? Tired? Desperate for more Cheerios?) Simple American Sign Language can make talking to each other a lot easier in that pre-verbal stage.
Smart Coos’ program and online classes, featuring a live-language teacher, help even the littlest kiddos begin to communicate with sign language so you can stop the guessing game. Not only does it help facilitate communication between parents and babies during early stages of development, but studies show that it can aid in the development of verbal language, too.
Read more about Smart Coos Baby + Me: Grow n' Sign classes on weeLove.
+ Bite-sized video library of the most common signs for you and your baby
+ Printable Sign Language Charts - turn them into stickers and put them where you need them.
+ 1 story -- read using sign language for interactive story telling with your baby or toddler
+ 3 nursery rhymes using sign language
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Live Baby Sign Language Sessions
Smart Coos' Guides are highly trained instructors that lead live sessions so you can pick up basic sign language quickly.
The live sessions include everything in the Grow n' Sign Course.
Live sessions are 30-minutes long and are added to your personal video library.
Mom of 4-month old Gabriel learning sign
Andrea, the mother of 4-month old Gabriel, learning “Twinkle, twinkle little stars” in sign language with her son during a live session. Gabriel started signing at 8-months old, before he was verbal.
DJ, age 4, learning French with Sign Language
DJ, age 4, uses the platform to excel in her target language and English. For children age 4 and up, we use a flipped-classroom approach, where parents and kids do the Dual Language Smart Coos' Activities & Games prior to the live instruction on the content. Guides review students activities data in both languages prior to each session, so they know where to focus during the live session.
The ah hah moment!
Andrea's ah hah moment during a live session. This happens often in our live sessions. Research shows that Smart Coos method also helps reduce toxic stress in the home, accelerates speech and emotional development, improves child-parent bonding, and results in earlier reading and larger reading vocabulary.
Get Unlimited Membership + Live Sessions for $225
Initial data indicates that children using Smart Coos have gained bigger vocabularies and improved their spelling and reading skills in both the home and target language.
Children using Smart Coos between the ages of 15-months to 7 years-old, show improved language skills throughout their use of Smart Coos, such as: understanding more words, using more words, and speaking in longer sentences.
Smart Coos’ parents of infants age 6-months to 36-months old state that their children clearly signed when they needed milk, potty, hug, etc.
According to teachers, Smart Coos parents asked questions about their children’s learning 18% more frequently than parents without Smart Coos.
Test Scores
Students who used Smart Coos scored approximately 33% higher on lower-case alphabet knowledge and letter sounds sub-tests.