Purpose: Learn the vocabulary for fruits members in Mandarin Chinese How to Use: We encourage that each student master the content in the Study Mode order below. Learn -> Flashcards -> Match -> Spell -> Test
Games & Activities: Colors
Purpose: Learn the vocabulary for colors in Mandarin Chinese How to Use: We encourage that each student master the content in the Study Mode order below. Learn -> Flashcards -> Match -> Spell -> Test
Games & Activities: Family Members
Purpose: Learn the vocabulary for family members in Mandarin Chinese How to Use: We encourage that each student master the content in the Study Mode order below. Learn -> Flashcards -> Match -> Spell -> Test
???? Memory Game – Brown Bear, Brown Bear + Words
Purpose: Match the images to the words.
???? Colors!
Purpose: Learn the colors and related objects and animals.
???? Memory Game: Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Signs
Purpose: Match the sign to the colors
???? All About Us – Inside / Out
Purpose: Match each word to the Inside / Out character that expresses that emotion.
???? My Five Senses: Sight – Color + Sign Memory Game 2
Purpose: Match the animals with the proper colors to the sign.
???? My Five Senses: Sight – What do you see?
Purpose: Listen and move the appropriate animal to the middle of the circle.
???? My Five Senses: Sight – Color + Sign Memory Game
Purpose: Match American Sign Language Signs to the appropriate color.
???? All About Us – Household Chores
Purpose: Learn the name of the different types of household chores. What you need for the activities and live instruction: Think about and share 5 chores that are done regularly in your home.
???? All About Us – Types of Clothes
Purpose: Learn the name of the different types of clothes. What you need for the activities and live instruction: Find 5 different articles of clothing in your closet and bring it to the session.
???? Match Game: Colors + Signs – 2
Match the sign to the color.
???? Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
Objetivo: Aprender los colores a través de la narración. Lo que usted necesita para las actividades y la instrucción en vivo: cualquier artículo que tenga los siguientes colores: marrón, rojo, amarillo, azul, verde, morado, blanco, negro. Purpose: Learn colors […]
???? Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
Purpose: Learn colors through storytelling. What you need for the activities and live instruction: any items that have the following colors: brown, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black.
???? Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
Purpose: Learn colors through storytelling. What you need for the activities and live instruction: any items that have the following colors: brown, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black.
???? Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
Objektif: Aprann koulè. Ki sa ou bezwen pou aktivite yo: nenpòt atik ki gen koulè sa yo: mawon, wouj, jòn, ble, vèt, violèt, blan, nwa. Purpose: Learn colors through storytelling. What you need for the activities and live […]
Live Instruction Activity (1): Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
目的:通過講故事來學習顏色。 您需要的活動和現場指導:任何具有以下顏色的項目:棕色,紅色,黃色,藍色,綠色,紫色,白色,黑色。 Purpose: Learn colors through storytelling. What you need for the activities and live instruction: any items that have the following colors: brown, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black.
???? All About Us – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Purpose: Learn emotions. What you need for the activities and live instruction: Drawings or pictures of faces that are: surprised, sad, scared, angry and happy.
???? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Emotions
Objectif: Apprenez les émotions. Ce dont vous avez besoin pour les activités et l’instruction en direct: Dessins ou images de visages qui sont: surpris, triste, effrayé, en colère et heureux. Purpose: Learn emotions. What you need for the activities and live […]
???? Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
الغرض: تعلم الألوان الأساسية من خلال القص ولغة الإشارة ما تحتاجه للأنشطة والتعليم الحي: أي العناصر التي لديها الألوان التالية: البني والأحمر والأصفر والأزرق والأخضر والأرجواني والأبيض والأسود Purpose: Learn basic colors through storytelling and sign language. What you […]
???? Match Game: Colors + Signs – 1
Match the sign to the color.
???? My Five Senses: Sight – Colors + Animals
Purpose: Learn colors through storytelling. What you need for the activities and live instruction: any items that have the following colors: brown, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black.
???? Brown Bear, Brown Bear – Colors + Animals
But: Apprenez les couleurs de base grâce à la narration et à la langue des signes. Ce dont vous avez besoin pour les activités et l’instruction en direct: tous les éléments qui ont les couleurs suivantes: marron, rouge, […]