Smart Coos Live Session Schedule

Details about your upcoming and past Smart Coos Live Sessions


My Summary of Hours on Content Creation and Translation

Details about the past hours that you’ve submitted about your past session.


Smart Coos Feedback on My Content Creation and Translation                                         

Feedback about your past work on Smart Coos Content Creation and Translations.


Smart Coos Live Session Schedule

Please login to see your appointments.


My Feedback Summary on Smart Coos Live Sessions

The "Student Username":The session was:Today I reviewed the following "Activities & Assessments" with the student:What is the student's overall proficiency based on the last session?Did the user complete Smart Coos activities and assessments prior to the session?On a scale of 1 to 5 how engaged was the user?What is your feeedback on the session?

No entries match your request.

The "Student Username":The session was:Today I reviewed the following "Activities & Assessments" with the student:What is the student's overall proficiency based on the last session?Did the user complete Smart Coos activities and assessments prior to the session?On a scale of 1 to 5 how engaged was the user?What is your feeedback on the session?


My Summary of Hours on Content Creation and Translation

AssignmentSectionDateInitial assignment Start TimeHHMMMMCompletion Time of AssignmentHHMMTotal Length of Time WorkedUseloom link of assignment recording

No entries match your request.

AssignmentSectionDateInitial assignment Start TimeHHMMMMCompletion Time of AssignmentHHMMTotal Length of Time WorkedUseloom link of assignment recording


Smart Coos Feedback on My Content Creation and Translation

UsernameCONTENT-REVIEW: Date of ReviewCONTENT-REVIEW: AssignmentCONTENT-REVIEW: SectionCONTENT-REVIEW: Assignment was submitted by the deadline:CONTENT-REVIEW: The quality of the assignment received was:

No entries match your request.

UsernameCONTENT-REVIEW: Date of ReviewCONTENT-REVIEW: AssignmentCONTENT-REVIEW: SectionCONTENT-REVIEW: Assignment was submitted by the deadline:CONTENT-REVIEW: The quality of the assignment received was: